2022 Corn Harvest Progress Report
As the corn harvest continues you may be wondering what the progress report for 2022 is looking like. Are the numbers on track or off track? How are we comparing to last year? We’ve looked at the reports and here’s what we know so far.
In the first part of September 2022, Farm Progress reported that corn maturity was running one or two percent behind our five - year average. Analysts were expecting corn ratings to hold steady but the USDA lowered them a point, leaving 53% of the crop in good-to-excellent condition. Eight of the top 18 production states had made some measurable harvest progress, leading to a national tally of 5%. That’s one point faster than the prior five-year average of 4%.

Successful Farming stated at the end of September that 92% of corn had reached the dented stage, slightly below the five-year average of 94%. By this time we were 3% behind the five - year average in maturity and 12 % had been harvested versus the 14% five-year average. In the top 18 corn growing states, crop conditions reflected little change from the beginning of September.
By October 9th, thirty-one percent of the corn was harvested. Although the harvest was still 8 percentage points behind last year's 39% it had moved 1 percentage point ahead of the five-year average of 30%. Progressive Farmer reported that corn maturity had moved to an estimated 87%; 2 percentage points ahead of the five-year average of 85%. An estimated 54% of corn remaining in fields was rated in good-to-excellent condition which was still 6 percentage points below last year's rating of 60%.
When talking harvested percentages, here’s what DTN Senior Analyst Dana Mantini had to say. "North Carolina and Texas led the way at 88% and 85% harvested, respectively. Major producers Iowa and Illinois are 23% and 27% harvested, with Illinois 16 points behind average. Minnesota is just 14% harvested, while Nebraska corn is 34% harvested -- well above average."
Now, by the end October, corn maturity is said to be at 94%, near 95% from last year and equal to the five-year average. Harvested is at 46%, which is ahead of 39% last year and the 32% average. Read more.
Tired of problematic corn harvesting? These rotary corn heads are a farmer’s dream!